Our Company

Webster’s Dictionary:
den’dra [n.pl. from Greek dendrŏn, a tree] a combining form meaning tree or treelike structure
tech’nic [from Greek technikos, from techne, an art, artifice.] technical
Company Profile
What the market is looking for today, we began developing the technology over 40 years ago.

With over 40 years and 100,000,000 BF of direct drying experience, we continue to develop and achieve advancements by using cutting-edge technology and harnessing them with our own in-house nationally accredited R&D department.

Over 4 decades of:
– Woodworking & wood technology experience
– Adapting to economic environments
– Catering to market needs
– Advanced and automated production methods (process automation, computerization, etc), combined with dedicated and experienced staff (the human touch) result in industry-leading quality, time in and time out.
Personal Touch
We are leading the way into the next industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, but will always foster every business relationship with a real face time, and solid handshake mentality. We believe in the personal touch. And we always will.
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